Shalfleet Parish RecordsThis a project to transcribe Shalfleet Parish Records. I will be transcribing from around 1604 (Marriages), 1607 (Baptisms) and 1620 (Burials), these are the earliest registers available, until 1837 (Start of compulsory registration). I have now completed 1695 to 1837, with incomplete data from 1604 - 1694. I am currently working on on the period prior to 1695, but it is a slow process as the further you go back, the more difficult the registers become to read and they are in poor condition, with pages torn and missing. I have included records transcribed to date for this early period. The method used is to transcribe the records from the Parish Register at the Isle of Wight County Records Office and validate them against their card records. I have recently obtained an earlier transcription for Baptisms (I do not know its origin) and am currently using it for further validation (it only covers 1775 -1837). I have also located a transcription of marriages only 1604 and 1750. Both of these have been used to validate my transcription. It is inevitable that there will be errors, but I am constantly checking the transcriptions for accuracy.
I have added an experimental search engine for the whole site, I take no responsibility for accuracy, but hope it is of some use. Note: These pages are my transcriptions of original documents, they are accurate to the best of my ability but I do not take any responsibility for errors. This information is for personal use only. This is very much a solo effort, so if anybody is willing to further validate the records (which will involve visiting the Newport Records Office) please let me know. 28 June 2007 |